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HR Applications
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Career Management System Career Management
This application helps you to monitor recruiting process, managing, assessing developing and maintaining your employees. This application provides an end-to-end process of the total Human Resource Management System.
Quotations Contacts Management
Manage contacts from your business list. Content management system allows you to store all your contacts information in a secure location.
Recruiting Consultancy Management System Recruiting Consultancy Management
Organize and manage your employee. Add, manage clients contact details and save their projects details.
Employee Management Employee Management
Organize and manage employees. Add, manage employee details and save their designations.
Learning Management Training & Learning Management
Learning Management System performs manages, tracks and reports online and offline training administration and performance management
Consultants Time Management System Time Sheet Management
Time Sheet Management provides online time tracking for employees in enterprises. It helps to reduce the time and cost of back office processing.
Quotations Payroll Management
Payroll is a method of administering employees' salaries in an organization. The process consists of calculation of employee salaries and tax deductions,
Career Management System Employee Intranet Portal
It is an internal Company homepage where employees and HR team can access all HR related information. Employees can apply leave and clarify or complain issues related to HR.
News Letter Management Newsletter Management
This functionality can be used to update employees of an organization or update customers with new product launch information etc.
Quotations Reports
Reports management helps in preparing a data in a meaningful format.
  • "CloudCRM4 is an advanced software application that works as a comprehensive and one stop solution for all your business development needs"
  • "Total business solutions in Information Technology. This application makes the marketing management easy as never before"
  • "This Service is to save your time and ease your procurement process."