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Lead Management
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Lead Management
CloudCRM4 lead management software maximizes your sales opportunities. It helps small and medium enterprises to do follow-up marketing efficiently. Consistent follow up gives higher conversion rates. Lead management system helps systematic process of following up and minimizes physical interaction to run it.
webCRM4 lead management
Key Features
1 Add and manage new leads from website, telephone enquiry or direct enquiry. Leads details are captured directly from the website
2 Classify leads into hot, warm and cold depending on follow up response. And decide the next action of plan for each such leads
3 Assign lead responsibility to employees or a team. This will prioritize their objectives.
4 All follow up details can be attached to each lead with notes, comments or remarks
5 Create email and SMS templates and save them for future use. These templates are used to send follow up emails and messages to leads and prospects.
6 Send follow up emails to leads and prospects. The number of follow up emails and messages will display on the leads and prospects account
7 All the pending enquiries and leads details can be used for future campaigns and promotions
8 Manage, view, update lead status. Update lead feed back and remarks.
9 Search lead or prospect information. Move lead or prospects details from one category to other category.
10 Send bulk emails and SMS’s to all the active leads in the application
11 Send reminder follow up emails and messages to all the cold or inactive leads in the application
12 Categorize enquiries / leads on services requested and move them to the respective domains
13 Categorize enquiries / leads on services requested and move them to the respective domains
14 Block an IP address or a group of IP addresses.
1 Easy user interface and can be accessed anytime, anywhere and on any device.
2 No need for a full time administrator
3 Centralizing marketing accounts and improves sales forecasting
4 Reduce the sales cycle and increases revenue
5 Increases sales executives performance and productivity. Improve sales tracking process
6 Monitor and keep a track of all the ageing sales leads. Gives quick access to lead status
7 CloudCRM4 Lead management speeds up sales lead distribution process. All the sales lead can be manually and auto distributed to employees on time
8 Optimize communication with qualified prospects. Improves customer satisfaction by faster response to enquiries and helps to convert qualified prospects to confirmed clients
9 Reduces paper work and is fully customizable and scalable
10 Our Lead management helps any business to increase their ROI and decreases TCO
  • "CloudCRM4 is an advanced software application that works as a comprehensive and one stop solution for all your business development needs"
  • "Total business solutions in Information Technology. This application makes the marketing management easy as never before"
  • "This Service is to save your time and ease your procurement process."