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Overseas Education Consultants Management
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Overseas Education Consultants Management
Our overseas consultant management system helps you to manage students and applicants right from start to selection to visa and document processing. This application will help you to track information like selection of universities, programs and admission process.
webCRM4 Overseas Education Consultants Management
Key Features
1 Add manage applicants / students data from various sources. Add and manage all data sources
2 Send bulk SMS and bulk email to students under marketing campaigns
3 Add manage follow-up email templates and SMS templates for future use
4 Manage enquiries, vendors and client contact information in this application
5 Add countries, currencies and other details
6 Track all student enquiries, save and this can be used in the future for different marketing campaigns
7 Applicants area – Student or applicant registers online here for overseas education
8 Add students note, schedule an appointments and register all the enquiry calls
9 Add applicants resume and assign applicants account to Remote Counselor
10 Reassign applicants account to an other employee to process
11 Track all applicants follow-up information, registration information and reports
12 Track walk-in student / applicants data information and reports
13 Track, monitor and save direct office visitors information in to the application
14 Maintain a complete report of all the courier details
15 Track all the In-coming and out going calls information
16 Update all students about University short listing processes and information
17 Monitor accounts follow-up details and reports. Overseas education packages and price list information
18 Prepare reports on total number of overseas admissions, visa processing information and departure details
19 Employee details and daily status
20 Add manage branch office details
21 Add manage employee targets
22 Employee area - Employee daily work details, online leave application, visitors info, internal mail management, favorites management
23 Add manage task for employees and manage online library for applicants /students and employees
24 Hardware management, assets management, office backup system
1 Track day to day applicants and employees activities. Monitor target achievements and employee performance
2 Monitor visitors status on a day to day basis
3 Send bulk emails and SMS for business development
4 Track applicants payment details
5 Update all applicants and employees with country guidelines
6 Follow up all unattended applicants enquiries. Assign applicants account to your employees
7 Increase ROI and decrease TCO
8 Fully scalable and customizable on your business needs
  • "CloudCRM4 is an advanced software application that works as a comprehensive and one stop solution for all your business development needs"
  • "Total business solutions in Information Technology. This application makes the marketing management easy as never before"
  • "This Service is to save your time and ease your procurement process."