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Recruiting Consultancy Management
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Recruting Consultancy Management
CloudCRM4 recruiting consultancy application helps consulting companies in their recruiting process. It helps them to manage the hiring process, client relationship and candidate relationship on a single platform.
webCRM4 Recruting Consultancy Management System
Key Features
1 Create and manage client requirements
2 Assign client requirements and manage recruiters
3 Get client requirements status and updates
4 Add and manage company contact and vendors contact information
5 Add manage consultants details
6 Get resumes from different sources, ex- job portals, social networking sites etc
7 Add and manage new employee details
8 Internal messaging system with rich editor
9 Report generation
10 Search consultants with specific recruitment criteria such as qualification,
11 experience, domain etc.
12 Stores thousands of resume
13 Manages posting vacancies, handling applicants, conducting candidate
14 Profiling and tracking progress
15 E-Mail notifications
1 This helps hiring new candidates easier, speedier and more productive
2 Reduces recruitment cost, improve time to hire
3 This application reduces the total communication time spend on an individual candidate
4 Provides a complete personalized report of the candidates
5 It helps to find best candidates by sorting their given information and talent
6 It helps reducing time on unwanted candidates resume
7 This application is easily accessible through internet or intranet
8 Fully scalable
9 Fully customizable
  • "CloudCRM4 is an advanced software application that works as a comprehensive and one stop solution for all your business development needs"
  • "Total business solutions in Information Technology. This application makes the marketing management easy as never before"
  • "This Service is to save your time and ease your procurement process."