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Reports management helps in preparing a data in a meaningful format. These reports can be presented to the end user in an easy to understand format. All the features in this module can be exported to an excel sheet.
Key Features
1 Client project reports
2 Client project daily task report with nature of work
3 Client project report with employee name, work status and time details
4 Check employees work status with time sheet management
5 Employee work report daily / weekly / monthly is tracked
6 All reports can be exported to excel sheet
7 Search projects status, employee work status through a search panel
1 Track project status
2 Track daily works on a project
3 Monitor employee performance on a project
4 Calculate time for total work done on a project
5 Send work report to client in an excel sheet
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  • "Total business solutions in Information Technology. This application makes the marketing management easy as never before"
  • "This Service is to save your time and ease your procurement process."