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Training Institute Management
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Training Institute Management
Our training management system is a scalable, and fully customizable application. It is designed to fit any training institute with any course and programs. The following are the features and benefits of our training management system.
webCRM4 Training Institute Management
Key Features
1 Track students enquiry details for course enrollments in business development part of this application
2 Categorize enquiries. Send Email and SMS’s to enquiries add email and SMS templates.
3 Create and manage enquiry types for course enquiries and project enquiries
4 Add new student and faculty’s details in the application. Add and track all call-registers
5 Add task to trainee, faculty, add note, appointments and approve leaves online. Track online task reports for trainees
6 Assign courses to trainees, project trainees, place trainees in batches
7 Add, update website content and course details through content management system
8 Add course batches, FAQ’s, all student testimonials and manage all the details
9 Add-manage course details, online examinations, and projects information. Manage course trainee, project trainee and faculty members information as well
10 Add business location information; take back ups of the database. Collect log details of admin, faculty and students.
11 Add holidays, announcements and communicate with trainees and faculties with internal messaging center.
12 Add and track details of course completed students, project students and suspended students
13 Fully customizable for any business and sends automatic e-mail Notifications
14 Manage online library for students and faculty members
15 Create custom course certificates
16 Custom user roles creation with special permissions to access this application
17 Track all bookmarks in favorite’s folder.
18 Track and monitor online examination, track students performance and assessment scores and send completion certificates to students
1 User friendly interface
2 This application helps business development part to strengthen
3 Provides instant access to the complete training module
4 No training delay time for new students, batches and projects
5 Deliver trainings on time. Reduces delivery costs per course
6 Delivers training with greater uniformity. Increases ROI
7 Get more value from the training budget. Provide training to more people
8 Gives employees more time to do their job. Reduce training-related discrepancies
  • "CloudCRM4 is an advanced software application that works as a comprehensive and one stop solution for all your business development needs"
  • "Total business solutions in Information Technology. This application makes the marketing management easy as never before"
  • "This Service is to save your time and ease your procurement process."