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Vendors Management
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Vendors Management
Vendor management system helps in monitoring vendors information, their products and services. Our vendor management system helps in competitive advantage as well as cost savings.
webCRM4 E-Mail management
Key Features
1 Add edit vendor category
2 Add edit vendors with other details
3 View, edit and manage vendors information
4 Add new services to existing vendors account
5 Activate or inactivate a vendor in this application
6 Suspend a vendor from this application
7 Search vendor by name or category
8 Send instant message to vendor through email or sms
9 Add note to a vendors service
10 Add appointment information with a vendor
1 Fully scalable
2 Can be customized depending on business requirements
3 User friendly interface
4 All vendors information is stored in a place
5 Saves time and money
6 Can be accessed from any where in the world
  • "CloudCRM4 is an advanced software application that works as a comprehensive and one stop solution for all your business development needs"
  • "Total business solutions in Information Technology. This application makes the marketing management easy as never before"
  • "This Service is to save your time and ease your procurement process."